Back to Basics-17


Get the perfectly defined and sculpted arms you've always wanted with our Back-to-Basics Arm Day workouts. From mastering controlled curls to performing effective dips, our routines, and expert guides provide you with the ultimate secret to building stronger arms and achieving a toned appearance.


Get the perfectly defined and sculpted arms you've always wanted with our Back-to-Basics Arm Day workouts. From mastering controlled curls to performing effective dips, our routines, and expert guides provide you with the ultimate secret to not only building stronger arms but also achieving a toned appearance.

Arm Workouts

 10 Minute Biceps and Triceps
10 Minute Biceps and Triceps

Tricep Dips 2x45 Seconds

Cross Body Curl 2x45 Seconds

Tricep Extension 2x45 Seconds

Concentration Curl 2x20 Seconds

Tricep KickBacks 2x45 Seconds

Hammer Curls 2x45 Seconds

DB Only Arm Workout
DB Only Arm Workout

Arnold Press 10x3

Overhead Tricep Extension 10x3

Cross-Body Bicep Curls 10x3

Lateral Raises 10x3

Reverse Fly 10x3

15-Minute Arm Workout
15-Minute Arm Workout

Bicep Curls 3x8

Overhead Tricep Extension 3x10

Strict Press 3x8

Hammer Curls 3x12

Skull Crushers 3x10

Lateral Raise 3x12

Bigger Arms Bicep Workout
Bigger Arms Bicep Workout

Barbell Curls 3x10

Hammer Curls 3x12

Incline DB Curls 3x10

Concentration Curls 3x12

Arm Workout Best practices

O2-Nov23-Park Place-06

Everything You Need to Know About Starting to Use Free Weights

Starting your weightlifting journey can be an empowering and transformative experience! The free weights are some of the most versatile tools that can help you build strength, improve muscle definition, and boost your overall fitness.

Back to Basics-05

Exercises to Improve Your Bicep Definition

The biceps are a small group of muscles, so growing them takes time, knowledge, and purposeful programming. Having big biceps doesn't just give you the look you want — they serve a real function in everyday movements: picking up your kid or performing a perfect pull-up, that’s your biceps at work!


21-Day Program

3 Week Workout Program with 4 workouts a week!

Listen to your body, make sure to properly warm up and cool down, and challenge yourself - that's where the growth happens!

What're you waiting for? Go have an awesome workout!